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Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.-

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Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.- Empty Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.-

Post  Ryu Endushai Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:35 pm

The wind was quite strong from atop the cliff, the moon high over my head. I was confused by the loss of color, everything sucked lifeless except for the grass which held a tinge of green. In the distance merely a shadow stood, lifeless on the wind. I watched carefully, still so confused as to what this meant. The shadow was definitely male the more I studied it, but I couldn't figure out who they were. I knew them. I knew that much.
Suddenly the shadow sauntered wearily toward the cliff's edge. He then jumped from the edge. I jumped up, yelling after them frantically, realizing that it was suicide. I ran to the edge to see him fall, and fall. And just before he hit the bottom, I realized who it was, feeling my heart shatter into a million pieces. He hit, but didn't die as I thought. No, rather he burst into a million beautiful butterflies, neon blue and purple colors, lighting everything up with their brilliance.
Yet all I could do was sob and sob.
It was Lou.

I woke up frantically, my breath hysteric until I realized it was simply a dream. That didn't stop me from crying though, and I did. Hard.
"Why the f***...God..." I cried harder.
Ryu Endushai
Ryu Endushai

Gender : Female
Posts : 121
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Age : 27
Location : floatin down the river on a hershy bar.

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Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.- Empty Re: Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.-

Post  Toruu Hyani Sat Aug 25, 2012 10:30 pm

Me and Lou walked down the hallway on our way to breakfast, even though we had both agreed that it was a stupid meal because neither of us wanted to eat anyway nor were we hungry at the time. I rolled my eyes at his lame jokes as my bare feet gently rubbed against the carpet as i walked. Shoes were for losers anyway.

My white gown brushed the tips of my fingers, it was thin and silky, black lace trailed the bottom and around the front of the top. A black opaque ribbon was tied around my midsection finishing it off. I had just rolled out of bed myself, nobody could sleep in with Angel around, not even me and i was in charge of his needs so to speak.

I let out another high pitched giggle but cutting it off as we passed Ryu's door. I stopped dead in my tracks, listening as hard as i could, was she crying ? I snuck a glance at Lou knowing he had way better hearing than I. The look on his face only proved my accusation had been correct.

I eased the door to her room open slowly "Ry you okay?" I asked quietly and gently. She was in hysterics, she could hardly breathe she was crying so hard. I sat at the edge of her bed quietly, waiting for her to come to me. I looked up at Lou who was standing in the door way, gaze fixed on the floor. He was concerned, you could tell by the way he held himself but he was resisting the urge to rush in and save her for whatever reason.

It must've had something to do with what had happened a week ago. He had come home bloody and beat not to mention he had had his shoulder shot out, literally. He had ignored Ryu completely and had walked up the grand staircase and to his room like he wasn't bleeding out. I had never seen him that hurt or serious before and it had honestly scared me.
Toruu Hyani
Toruu Hyani

Gender : Female
Posts : 128
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Age : 27

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Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.- Empty Re: Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.-

Post  Ryu Endushai Sat Aug 25, 2012 11:36 pm

My hands shook in front of me as I pulled them away from my face, even Toruu feeling worlds away from me. I refused to look up at her as she came to sit by me, my insides feeling as if they'd been ripped out and torn apart only to be placed back inside. I couldn't stop crying. I knew Lou was there too but I couldn't look at him. I couldn't feel any more pain or I was going to pass out.
"He...died..." I managed to gasp in between sobs.
Ryu Endushai
Ryu Endushai

Gender : Female
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Age : 27
Location : floatin down the river on a hershy bar.

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Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.- Empty Re: Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.-

Post  Toruu Hyani Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:16 am

Confusion hit me in the face hard, my mind blanked for a good minute before I snapped back. Unfortunately everything i wanted to ask came out fast and a little weird. "Wait what? Died? Who, what?" Who knew two words and some crying could confuse someone so much? I shook my head to clear my mind. My eyes fixed on the floor now as i kicked my legs back and forth off the edge of the bed, the bottoms of my feet gently brushed the wooden floor.

So someone died in her dream. I wonder how close she was to that person, maybe it was her mom? or maybe her dad? I had dreams like that a lot, it was mostly about my brother though. On occasion it would be Angel, but anymore it was my baby. I flinched when I thought that, it always happened differently never a set cause. Sometime a miscarriage, sometimes it was still born but more often than not it had already been born and the nursery was ravanged by some demon when i went to go check up on it.

My hands fell to my stomach partly because i had been reminded i was pregnant for the 1,000th time that day and partly because i was thinking of myself again when i should be thinking about Ryu. The one who needed it. I gripped her hand tightly with mine, eyes still fixed on the floor unable to look at her just yet. Guilt still pinging in my gut.

I looked out of the doorway into the hallway, wanting to snort at what she had said but suppressed it. Toruu would kill me if i didn't anyway. "It was probably that stupid Aiden kid or whatever his name was..." I mumbled, standing up from my relaxed position in the doorway and sauntered out into the hallway. "It's always about him anyway..." I whispered bitterly as I made my way to the dining room.
Toruu Hyani
Toruu Hyani

Gender : Female
Posts : 128
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Age : 27

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Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.- Empty Re: Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.-

Post  Ryu Endushai Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:35 am

My eyes involuntarily shot up to Lou and his comment made my feelings twist into a whole new world. I pulled my hand from Toruu's, unable to stop myself from following him down the hall. Tears were still spilling over, my emotions too much to handle at this point. I rounded the corner catching sight of his back, my eyes not even pausing for a second to go blood red. I walked, but fast, tall and surprisingly calm for how hysteric I actually was. I could kill him. If I wasn't careful, I probably would.
"You wanna run that by me again, bread?" I yelled from right behind him, giving him a shove which put him dangerously close to the stairs. "YOU'RE the one who died, but considering all that's happened lately, I don't know why I'm crying over it." I laughed in a scary fashion unintentionally. It came out borderline crazy, which was how I felt anyway. "f*** you." I laughed again, shoving him harder. "And your snide little remarks. Say them to my face dammit. f*** you." I pushed him, watching as his face ate stair, the color draining from my face as it connected, though the anger remained.
Ryu Endushai
Ryu Endushai

Gender : Female
Posts : 121
Popularity : 17
Age : 27
Location : floatin down the river on a hershy bar.

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Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.- Empty Re: Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.-

Post  Toruu Hyani Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:07 am

My face hit the hard marble stairs, I heard the crack of cartilage as my nose broke, it was however muted under the sound of my face having it'sown little reunion with the first step. Odd because they had never met before. A loud, fiery growl rumbled in my throat as I twisted, kicked her feet out from under her and pinned her down in 4 seconds flat. One hand held her two wrist to wrist tightly, my other was pressed against her throat, my forearm cutting off her oxygen, my hand balled into an angry fist.

My green eyes were on fire, two large canines poked out of my upper lip, My claws had also come to play. I was only in a half transformation which was very hard to keep, but I was fighting like hell so i wouldn't hurt her two badly. Blood dribbled out of my nose and lip and dripped onto her face. I growled again "My problem? What about you?" I hissed lowly, my breathe hot in her face. "And I kind of figured i had said it to your face" My grip tightened on her wrists drawing blood.

"You may think your dangerous but all you can do is scratch and bite me, I on the other hand can do so much more..."
Toruu Hyani
Toruu Hyani

Gender : Female
Posts : 128
Popularity : 3
Age : 27

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Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.- Empty Re: Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.-

Post  Ryu Endushai Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:15 am

"Go...on..." I gasped, each word a tremendous effort, "" No fear was in my voice at all though it was hard to breathe and it hurt, my emotions were in a thousand shards anyway so it didn't matter to me at that point. I stared him down, my eyes holding all the hurt I felt right in them, I was sure of it. I was still shaking from my dream, still pissed off at him, still hurt, still so much. Now I was just gasping for air like how I felt I was doing on the inside. The demon in me faded away slowly as it got harder to keep flow of oxygen and he was left staring into the blue of my eyes.
Ryu Endushai
Ryu Endushai

Gender : Female
Posts : 121
Popularity : 17
Age : 27
Location : floatin down the river on a hershy bar.

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Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.- Empty Re: Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.-

Post  Toruu Hyani Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:27 am

I loosened the pressure around her neck completely and with a sadistic grin I did what a shouldn't have done at that moment. Because it was all wrong for that moment and was completely backwards. I gripped her chin, tilted her head a little and kissed her. Bloody mouth and all. My fangs had retracted but my claws had stayed out just in case.

I firmly planted my knee between her legs to keep her from rolling out of my grasp. I pulled out of the kiss leaving her mouth smeared in crimson. "I wouldn't kill you, your to much fun to play with" I hissed in her ear than slowly drug my blood covered tongue up her neck up to her ears before lightly nibbling on it.
Toruu Hyani
Toruu Hyani

Gender : Female
Posts : 128
Popularity : 3
Age : 27

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Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.- Empty Re: Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.-

Post  Ryu Endushai Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:35 am

I tried jerking my face and neck in a direction AWAY from where he was going. To be honest, he was scaring me. "Lou. Stop." I said raspily now, the taste of blood now in my mouth making me kind of sick. I pushed at his chest before realizing that silly move wouldn't do anything. I summoned up all of my strength to shove him off and away from me, bringing my knees up quickly, trying desperately to shove him off. Unfortunately the way he had me pinned meant we were both going to go down, which was what I realized with a pang of fear once we started to roll toward the stairs.
Ryu Endushai
Ryu Endushai

Gender : Female
Posts : 121
Popularity : 17
Age : 27
Location : floatin down the river on a hershy bar.

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Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.- Empty Re: Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.-

Post  Toruu Hyani Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:49 am

I growled as she fought back, little did i know until it was to late we were going to take a small tumble. I instantly snapped back into reality as we were air born for the few seconds it was. My stomach seemed to want to stay planted where we were as it tightened upon impact with the next step. I instinctively held Ryu as close to me as I possibly could, one arm snaked around her waist to lock her close to my body, the other protected her head.

I closed my eyes as the world outside my body blurred past with momentum. Somewhere between the middle and bottom we bounced up once again, this time we landed on the next step hard as the back of my head made an audible crack before we toppled to a stop on the floor. My grip on Ryu only loosened a little as I opened my eyes, my vision was blurring badly. I knew i wasn't going to be able to shake this off.
Toruu Hyani
Toruu Hyani

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Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.- Empty Re: Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.-

Post  Ryu Endushai Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:58 am

I groaned quietly as we came to a stop at the end of the journey down the stairs. Lou'd blocked most of the blows but I'd still hit in a few places. I looked up at him carefully, his eyes hazy and I knew he wasn't in good shape.
"Lou!" I gasped getting off of him quickly to pull his head up onto my lap ever so gently to make sure he was okay. "Lou are you okay? Lou...God..." I felt tears slide down my face and they fell to meet his. "TORUU!" I yelled frantically, hoping he'd at least stay conscious so we could know he was okay. The hysterics where coming back though as all I could remember was my dream. And as much as I had hated him this week, I needed him.
Ryu Endushai
Ryu Endushai

Gender : Female
Posts : 121
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Age : 27
Location : floatin down the river on a hershy bar.

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Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.- Empty Re: Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.-

Post  Toruu Hyani Sun Aug 26, 2012 2:15 am

I smiled weakly, lifting my hand up to her as I tried to simultaneously wipe the blood off her face and the tears from her eyes. "Your covered in blood love...don't cry, i'll be fine...I.." I was fighting the dark, warm world that was trying to consume me. I exhaled sharply "Thank god your okay...I don't know what...I would've done if...if I would've" It was getting terribly hard to talk, tears started to well up in my eyes as well as I played back the previous scene. "I'm so sor...ry Ry...I...I'm so sorry...sorry...sorr...y..."

I sobbed lightly, guilt welled up in my chest, I brought my hand down to hide my tears from her. I pressed the back of my fist against my eyes trying to stop myself from crying, stop her from seeing me like this, wishing away the past with all my might only getting guiltier as i acknowledged it would never go away. "I...I'm so s-s-sorry...I h-hurt sorry..." The more I tried to stop crying the harder I cried. "S-so sor-rry...I...I-i-i...l-lo...lo..."

I love you Ryu ...I thought as the darkness consumed me and the sounds of her sobs slowly muted.
Toruu Hyani
Toruu Hyani

Gender : Female
Posts : 128
Popularity : 3
Age : 27

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Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.- Empty Re: Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.-

Post  Ryu Endushai Sun Aug 26, 2012 2:24 am

"I love you too." I whispered, crying as he passed out. I stroked his hair as I cried harder knowing if I hadn't followed him it wouldn't be a problem at this point. If I had let him make his comment and leave. "Toruu..." I breathed, hoping she'd come soon. I was losing strength myself, looking at all this blood.
Ryu Endushai
Ryu Endushai

Gender : Female
Posts : 121
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Age : 27
Location : floatin down the river on a hershy bar.

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Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.- Empty Re: Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.-

Post  Toruu Hyani Sun Aug 26, 2012 2:54 am

I dashed down the hallway after hearing Ryu's scream, the first thing I saw as I neared the stairs was blood setting panic in my mind and stomach. I looked down the stairs and gasped, Ryu and Lou were at the bottom, Lou bloody and past out, head resting in Ryu's lap who was bawling her eyes out. "ANGEL!" I shouted as I made quick work of the stairs to get to Ryu and Lou.

"Are you okay? What happened?" The two questions came out fast, think with worry that showed in my wide eyes. Just as I had guess Angel had popped out of the dining room and was rounding the side of the stairs only to stop dead in his tracks when he saw Lou.

"Dear sweet baby Jesus! What the hell happened?" He asked rushing over to Lou's side to check on his friend. The question wasn't really directed to anyone in particular. The whole Jesus comment didn't make much sense either considering all that had happened to him had pretty much killed his faith. Which i was thankful for because knowing him, he would've christianized the hell out of my house.
Toruu Hyani
Toruu Hyani

Gender : Female
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Age : 27

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Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.- Empty Re: Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.-

Post  Ryu Endushai Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:05 am

"Call...get help," I hiccuped through my cries, unable to really say much else though normally I would've laughed at Angel, followed by some smart remark that I seemed to always have up my sleeves. I looked up at Toruu and Angel helplessly, clinging tightly to Lou like he was going to disappear if I didn't.
Ryu Endushai
Ryu Endushai

Gender : Female
Posts : 121
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Age : 27
Location : floatin down the river on a hershy bar.

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Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.- Empty Re: Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.-

Post  Toruu Hyani Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:19 am

Angel sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, thinking about what to say before it came out wrong. I bit my lip, knowing what he was going to say. We couldn't take Lou to a hospital because of what he was. "Don't take this the wrong way but we can't call for help. It's not that we're not concerned or that we don't have phones, it's because we can't." He began, treading as gently as he could while getting the point across.

"Demon blood may look the same as human blood but it's completely different. The doctors wouldn't even know what to do with him much less what he was." He explained, keeping eye contact with Ryu. He was being sincere, calm and sincere like he always was in these instances. That was one of the things I loved about him.

"The best we can do for him right now is take him upstairs to his room and let him rest. I can try to get a hold of a friend of mine, I cant make any promises i'll find him or that he'll be willing to help.But I'll try." He told her firmly but gently before he called for one of the butlers to help him carry Lou back upstairs to his room. I walked with the frazzled Ryu, holding her hand to comfort her.

By the time we had gotten to Lou's room they had changed his clothes, cleaned up his face and had him in bed. Angel rubbed Ryu's head comfortingly "He's tough, he'll pull through. Just stay with him and watch over him. He would do the same for you" He told her then her exited the room. I hugged Ryu before following Angel's example and leaving Ryu with Lou.
Toruu Hyani
Toruu Hyani

Gender : Female
Posts : 128
Popularity : 3
Age : 27

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Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.- Empty Re: Oh My Waffles, What a Dream -.-

Post  Ryu Endushai Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:24 am

I walked like a zombie into the room, unsure really what to think of all of this except for I walked to the edge of the bed, watching him breathe carefully before sitting on the edge. I didn't want to touch him. He looked so serene despite that I'd made him kiss the stairs earlier. I just sat and watched and waited quietly unsure of what to do or make of this whole mess. "I'm sorry." I whispered, trying really hard not to cry anymore.
Ryu Endushai
Ryu Endushai

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Age : 27
Location : floatin down the river on a hershy bar.

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